To Enrich, Educate and Entertain
Sure Signs that You Need a More Brand-Conscious Printer
In 2007 there were 35,000 commercial printers in the United States. Today there are about 26,000. What happened? General consensus points to technology as the print industry's main disruptor. Economic shifts also played a role, as did a wave of consolidations, with large conglomerates acquiring smaller, locally based printers.
But did those influences knock 25 percent of the industry out of business? Not entirely. There has been far more at work.
If you print, you need to know
At the onset of the technology-driven new normal, many marketers rushed to all-things-digital amid shouts that "print is dead." At the same time, marketers were under pressure to generate higher returns on investment. Finding no silver bullet in single-channel communications, whether that channel was digital, print or otherwise, savvy marketers began scrutinizing the right mix and demanding more from every channel.
Many printers, heeding the call to the future, invested in digital technologies by automating pre-press and pressroom functions, and ensuring that quality control would remain the axis of operations. But this wasn't enough. To stay relevant, they needed new business models. Those that transformed into marketing support partners and fellow brand stewards for their clients became the industry's future. Any less of a commitment from a printer results in an underserved client, and these printers continue to fall away.
How do you know if a printer cares about your brand?
If your printer focuses only on the specifications for your project - what size, how many colors, quantity and when it's due - you're being underserved. Of course those questions are critical, for they enable your printer to give an estimate, produce your project and deliver"...and hopefully on time. But if that's all they're asking, how does that improve your ROI or enhance your brand? In two words, it doesn't.
These questions are equally important for your printer to ask
- Why are you printing this piece?
- Who is your audience?
- What are you trying to accomplish?
- Have you implemented this project before?
- How do you measure effectiveness?
- How many targeted recipients are actively engaged in your mission?
- Who are your competitors?
- What are your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats?
- Are there ways we can assist you beyond the printed piece?
- Do your campaigns integrate print with email and online communications? If so, how do the results compare to your single channel efforts?
If your printer dives deep and challenges you to think about how you're spending valuable marketing dollars to achieve desired results, they're not just thinking about your print job. They're thinking about your mission, your brand and your success - and they're doing it with a hard-won understanding of effective channel integration.
A printer should help generate more responses and drive more applicants, conversions, contributions, sales, donors or volunteers to your doorstep. Otherwise, why print?
A printer that cares about your brand puts their shoulder into your plow
Today's best print partners are equal parts production-centric, client-centric and market-centric, helping you to become more proficient in using the mix of marketing channels that works best for your organization.
At Perfect Image, we understand what it takes to build, maintain and protect a successful brand and the fundamental role print plays in that process.
Contact us today if you need a partner that values your knowledge, experience and passion in making your organization - not just your print - extraordinary. We are More than a printer.

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